Mar 10, 2014

Better Behavior in a Glass: Why Water Matters

Misbehavior? How about nice glass of water? 

We've long heard that children may become less than pleasant when they are hungry.  Let's face it, the same can be said of ourselves.  Did you also know the same may be true when your child is thirsty and dehydrated?  As part of the #OlympicMoms campaign, we're talking about water consumption today. Good ole' H20.  Something so simple is really so important.
3 Reasons to Make Sure Your Kids Get Enough Water 

1.  Dehydration can cause headaches.  Headaches make people unhappy...and crabby. Enough said.  Couple this with the fact that young children may not be able to communicate they have a headache or feel "out of sorts".  It comes out in their behavior instead.  If your child is acting "wonky" (hardly a technical term, but so fitting here), encourage her to drink some water.
2.  Dehydration impedes learning.  That's right.  It causes grogginess, low short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing. Many schools recognize the importance of hydration to learning and encourage students to have a water bottle by their desks. If your school doesn't, see what can be done about changing this policy.  It's really that important.  (And as I look back, I remember thinking as a kid, "Why do the teachers get to have drinks/coffee at their desks, but the students don't?"  It was an extra special treat if you did something exceptionally well in class and the teacher would let you go to the drinking fountain to get a drink of water.)  Let's all take up the glad chant: "Don't delay, drink your water today!"

3.  Reduce childhood obesity.  Some kids eat when they are actually thirsty.  Encourage your child to drink water throughout the day to lessen mindless snacking.  This can help kids maintain a healthy weight. Water is preferable to juice, sugary drinks and sports drinks for kids.  Also, avoid having your child gulp water. It is better to sip it throughout the day to maintain optimal benefits, and maintain better homeostasis.


Drinking water keeps the immune system running smoothly, lessening the chances of your child catching seasonal colds and flu.  Yes!

If you haven't been encouraging water consumption in your household, this might be a good time to start!  

Read original article here - Water 

Mar 6, 2014

Dangers of Fluoride

Mainstream Media FINALLY Discusses Dangers of Fluoride and Other Toxins

Independent studies from scientists around the world have been screaming out for years about the poisons we’re exposed to on a daily basis. But those screams have largely fallen on deaf ears. The toxic substances we come in contact with in our day to day lives are slowly poisoning us, and naturopaths, homeopaths, dieticians and alternative media have all been covering it and advising us on how to avoid them for many years now. 

Unfortunately most people don’t go to a naturopath or a homeopath, or even bother to look for an alternative information source to mainstream media. 
Well, we’re finally in luck! Every now and again a nugget of truth makes its way into the corporate controlled media, and to the homes of millions of people around the world. Recently, CNN published a piece called “Putting the Next Generation of Brains in Danger“. 

Here’s an excerpt…. 
“Dr. Philip Landrigan at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and Dr. Philippe Grandjean from Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, authors of the review published Friday in The Lancet Neurology journal, say the news is so troubling they are calling for a worldwide overhaul of the regulatory process in order to protect children’s brains”.
Neurotoxicant Dangers

A neurotoxicants is a substance that impacts brain development and can cause a number of neurodevelopmental disabilities, including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, dyslexia and other cog 

Dr. Landrigan and Dr. Grandjean have now added six more chemicals to that list. They are: manganese, tetrachloroethylene, a class of chemicals called polybrominated diphenyl ethers (or flame retardants), two pesticides, chlorpyrifos (widely used in agriculture) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanitive damage, according to the researchers. The researchers named five toxic substances known as neurotoxicants: lead, methylmercury, arsenic, polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, and or DDT…. and most importantly, fluoride! 

Read the entire article here - Fluoride