Dec 18, 2012

How Chlorine Kills Your Beneficial Bacteria

Chlorine in our tap water kills the beneficial bacteria that lives in our body. When this happens your immune system is weakened and it can cause numerous health issues.
A Total Water Cleaner removes over 95% of the chlorine in our tap water, giving you safe chemical free water from every tap in your home.

Total Water Cleaners can be leased for only $29.95 a month, please contact us for more information.

An article from The Candida Diet website - 

How Chlorine Damages Your Immune System

Along with keeping Candida in check and aiding your digestion, the good bacteria in your gut also form a highly important part of your immune system. These good bacteria line your intestines to prevent viruses and harmful bacteria from getting in your system. A healthy population of gut flora uses nutrients quickly and efficiently, preventing colonies of harmful organisms from getting the fuel they need to grow.
The lymph tissue that lines your digestive system creates over sixty percent of your immune cells. It decides what bacteria and elements get through and which ones should be eliminated. It acts as a barrier for bad bacteria and a transport for good elements. Another role that your good bacteria play is by communicating with this part of your immune system to focus it on ‘foreign’ microbes.
When chlorine gets in your system, it destroys much of your beneficial intestinal flora. This not only disrupts your digestion and causes issues such as bloating and indigestion, but also also allows the Candida yeast to run rampant and weaken your immune system.
Everyone has small amounts of Candida in their system, but they are limited by the good bacteria in your digestive tract. When your system is healthy, the Candida Albicans cells are harmless.However when your system has been compromised, the Candida will multiply and turn into a fungus. This is Candida overgrowth, a condition that can damage your intestinal wall, weaken your immune system and cause numerous other health issues.
For the complete article Click Here

Dec 16, 2012

Fluoride In Our Water

The addition of fluoride to the public water supply is the most insidious way of chronically poisoning hundreds of millions of people around the world. Dr. Dean Burk was former chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute, and has co-authored studies with many Nobel prize winners including Otto Warburton, and he is the co-author of the most cited paper in the entire field of biochemistry - the Lineweaver-Burk Enzyme Kinetics. In the 1970s, Dean Burk conducted a number of studies which linked fluoride and cancer. - For the entire article click here

Long term exposure to Fluoride results in a wide range of chronic diseases. 
Here are fluoride results from 2011/2012.

Winnipeg - .72 ppm
Brandon - .70 - 1.3 ppm 
Regina - .10 ppm
Saskatoon - .63

Fluoride is used as an insecticide and a roach killer. Even at the level they use to fluoridate your public water supply, usually at the rate of about 1 part fluoride for every million parts of water (1 ppm) by weight, it causes severe problems. As little as one-tenth of an ounce of fluoride will cause death. It is more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic. No one will die from drinking one glass of fluoridated water, but it is the long term chronic effects of drinking fluoridated water that affects health. Dental fluorosis is one of the earlier signs of fluoride poisoning, appearing in mild cases as a chalky area on the tooth, and in more advanced cases, teeth become yellow brown or black and the tips break off. Fluoride in the drinking water leads to fluoride levels in tissues and organs which damage enzymes. This results in a wide range of chronic diseases. Fluoride weakens the immune system and may cause allergic type reactions including dermatitis, eczema and hives. It causes birth defects and genetic damage. Fluoride is likely to aggravate kidney disease, diabetes and hypothyroidism. The amount consumed in drinking water has been shown to lower thyroid activity in humans. It also causes the breakdown of collagen which results in wrinkling of the skin and the weakening of ligaments, tendons and muscles. There are a number of ways that fluoride can be administered. The most insidious way is through the drinking water. 

Dec 12, 2012

Dangers of Chlorine in Tap Water

Here is a study on the affects of chlorine in tap water. We do need chlorine in our tap water to get rid of water born diseases, but we have to remove that chlorine once the water is in our homes, before we drink, cook and bath in it.

A Total Water Cleaner will remove over 95% of the chlorine from your homes tap water.  

Visit our website to find out more information -


Lifetime consumption of chlorinated tap water can more than double the risk of bladder and rectal cancers in certain individuals, two new studies conclude. Both studies examined the lifetime water-consumption patterns, diets and lifestyles of over 2,200 middle-aged and elderly Iowans suffering from either bladder, colon, or rectal cancers. Those profiles were then compared with those of a pool of nearly 2,000 healthy 'controls'.

Recent research has suggested that chlorine reacts with naturally-found organic compounds in water to form what the study authors call "chlorination byproducts." They say many of these byproducts are "mutagenic and/or carcinogenic." The first study found that smoking men who drank chlorinated tap water for more than 40 years faced double the risk of bladder cancer compared with smoking men who drank nonchlorinated water. Women who drank chlorinated water, on the other hand, had only slightly raised risks for bladder cancers, regardless of (their) smoking status.

The second study found that rates for rectal cancers for both sexes escalated with duration of consumption of chlorinated water. Individuals on low-fiber diets who also drank chlorinated water for over 40 years more than doubled their risk for rectal cancer, compared with lifetime drinkers of nonchlorinated water.
Similar differences were also found between the risk patterns of chlorinated-water drinkers who exercised at least once a week, and those who exercised just once a month, or less. Experts have long recommended regular exercise as one means of reducing one's risk of rectal and other cancers. The study found no link between the long-term consumption of chlorinated tap water and the incidence of colon cancer. This was not surprising, the researchers explain, since colon tumors have very different patterns of genesis and development compared with rectal tumors.

They speculate that the source of chlorinated tap water may help determine its potential to promote cancers. Since surface water (such as that found in lakes and reservoirs) usually contains higher concentrations of organic compounds, the study authors say it is also more likely to contain higher levels of (potentially carcinogenic) chlorination byproducts, compared with water sourced from deep underground.
Jerry E. Smith