Chlorine in our tap water kills the beneficial bacteria that lives in our body. When this happens your immune system is weakened and it can cause numerous health issues.
A Total Water Cleaner removes over 95% of the chlorine in our tap water, giving you safe chemical free water from every tap in your home.
Total Water Cleaners can be leased for only $29.95 a month, please contact us for more information.
An article from The Candida Diet website -
How Chlorine Damages Your Immune System

The lymph tissue that lines your digestive system creates over sixty percent of your immune cells. It decides what bacteria and elements get through and which ones should be eliminated. It acts as a barrier for bad bacteria and a transport for good elements. Another role that your good bacteria play is by communicating with this part of your immune system to focus it on ‘foreign’ microbes.
When chlorine gets in your system, it destroys much of your beneficial intestinal flora. This not only disrupts your digestion and causes issues such as bloating and indigestion, but also also allows the Candida yeast to run rampant and weaken your immune system.
Everyone has small amounts of Candida in their system, but they are limited by the good bacteria in your digestive tract. When your system is healthy, the Candida Albicans cells are harmless.However when your system has been compromised, the Candida will multiply and turn into a fungus. This is Candida overgrowth, a condition that can damage your intestinal wall, weaken your immune system and cause numerous other health issues.
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